
Linda and and Judith on steps at Mount Veron

Linda and and Judith on steps at Mount Veron

Photo of the cousins Linda and Judith at Mount Vernon Plantation. The ladies were on an official visit to present documentation on the Ford family legacy. 

Reinactment Mount Vernon

Reinactment Mount Vernon

Photo from the LABH collection.

Spinning Room Mount Vernon Plantation

Spinning Room Mount Vernon Plantation

Major George Ford was born in the room above the spinning room on the Mount Vernon Plantation.

Powel Coach

Powel Coach

Coach at Mount Vernon. From LABH collection.

Fireplace Mount Vernon

Fireplace Mount Vernon

Photo of a fireplace from the slave quarters at Mount Vernon. From LABH collection.

Angela Allen Henry at Camp Butler

Angela Allen Henry at Camp Butler

Angela Allen Henry on the steps of Camp Butler Cemetery in Springfield, Illinois.  Major George Ford became the first African American superintendent in1906 at Camp Butler. Photo by Homer Henry.

Allen Family at Camp Butler

Allen Family at Camp Butler

Some of the Allen Family members on a visit to Camp Butler Cemetery, Springfield, Illinois where James O. Allen, Major George Ford, Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford, Florence Ford, and C. Bruce Ford are enterred. Left to right, Front row left to right, Tim Allen, Jr., Patty Allen, Angela Allen Henry, Carol Allen Adams, James Allen, Jr. Back row left to right: Joy Allen Stone, Tim Allen, Sr., Carol Adams, Elise Ford Allen, Linda Allen B. Hollis, Barbara Allen Randle, Michael Foster. Children left to right, Sterling Allen, Alexandria Allen.

Camp Butler Admin Building

Camp Butler Admin Building

Camp Bulter admin building in Springfield, Illinois.  Photo by Angela Allen Henry.

At present day Camp Butler Cemetery

At present day Camp Butler Cemetery

Tombstones and gazebo at Camp Butler Cemetery, Springfield, Illinois. Photo by Angela Allen Henry.

At Camp Buter

At Camp Buter

Sibllings visiting family graves at Camp Butler Cemetery in Springfield, Illinois 2018. From left to right, Linda Allen B. Hollis, Angela Allen Henry, Barbara Allen Randle, and James Allen Jr.  Photo by Mark Hollis.