Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford Sr and Florence Harrison

Florence, with daughter and granddaughters

Florence, with daughter and granddaughters

Photo of Carol Allen Adams, holding daughter Tanya, with Elise Ford Allen and her mother Florence.

Florence and grandchildren

Florence and grandchildren

Photo of Florence Ford with grandchildren; James Jr., Carol, and Gregory.

Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford funeral announcement (short)

Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford funeral announcement (short)

Obituary of Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford.

Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford funeral announcement

Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford funeral announcement

Obituary of Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford.

A Cable from Husband

A Cable from Husband

Florence Ford received a cable from her husband, Bruce.

Man of Honor

Man of Honor

Sagamon Honor Book and Record page 1091, Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford.

Honor Book Medical DET

Honor Book Medical DET

From the Sangamon County Honor Book Records depicting the service in the Medical Corps, World War I.

A Young C. Bruce and Harrison

A Young C. Bruce and Harrison

Photo of a young C. Bruce and Harrison at their home on Gale Avenue in Peoria, Illinois.