"I am an invisible man. No, I am not a spook like those who haunted Edgar Allan Poe; nor am I one of your Hollywood-movie ectoplasms. I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone, fiber and liquids--and I might even be said to possess a mind. I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me."
- Ralph Ellison's "Invisible Man"
Documents + Articles
Registration Card of Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford.
Article on the dedication of the slave cemetery at the Mount Vernon Plantation.
Photo of the enlistment document of Major George Ford into the 23rd Kansas Volunteers during the Spanish American War.
Title: Tracing the Washington Blood - Slave's Descendent Probes Link to Mount Vernon Heritage by Vanessa Barnes Hillian.
A letter written in 1918 to Major George Ford fom his friend W.E.B. Du Bois after learning he was ill.
Title: George Washington in their Family tree, black sisters say - Thesis says he fathered slave - their great-great-great-great-grandfather, by Steve Groer, November 4th, 1996.
Listing of letters written to and from Major George Ford and Theodore Roosevelt from the Library of Congress Manuscript Division for the personal papers of President Theodore Roosevelt.. You...
Under Personalities, 1997
From the Library of Congress Manuscript Division. A letter written to Major George Ford from Theodore Roosevelt. Addenda V24-P176 Maj. Geo. W. Ford, Fort Scott, Kansas...
Under History section - Titled: Tracing a Very Familiar Face, Newsweek Magazine, November 1996.
Letter to Major George Ford from Theodore Roosevelt, dated July 9, 1900. This is from the Library of Congress from archives Addena #V24-P424.
Title: Whose Ancestor; Family Traces Lineage to Washington by Peg O'Connor, April 24, 1997.
Hand written letter dated 1918 from Major George Ford to his friend, W.E.B. Du Bois on his 50th birthday.
Title: Black Family Seeks Roots Beneath the Cherry Tree by Wendy Robinson, March 1997.
Letter to Theodore Roosevelt from Major George Ford from the Library of Congress Manuscript Division of Theodore Roosevelt Collection Reel 6, page 1.
Article from the Bradley University Hilltopics, by Nancy Ridgeway, summer 2003. Bradley University is Linda's alma malter where she received a B. S. Degree in Geology. She continued her...
Letter to Theodore Roosevelt from Maj. George Ford June 30, 1900. Library of Congress Manuscript Division for papers of Theodore Roosevelt reel 6. r
Title: Descendants of Slave's Son Contend That His Father was George Washington, by Nicholas Wade, July 7, 1999.
Photo of Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford from the Meharry Medical School Dental Class 1918. Early on, Meharry functioned as the Medical Department of Central Tennessee College in Nashville for people of...
Linda and Mark Hollis at the 7th Gala of "Honoring our Heritage" for the Springfield and Central Illinois African American Museum. Linda was one of the speakers at the event where she...