"I am an invisible man. No, I am not a spook like those who haunted Edgar Allan Poe; nor am I one of your Hollywood-movie ectoplasms. I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone, fiber and liquids--and I might even be said to possess a mind. I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me."

 - Ralph Ellison's "Invisible Man"

Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford Sr and Florence Harrison

 Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford

Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford was the son of Major Geroge W. Ford.  He married Florence Harrison and the couple had four children: Elise, Florence, Bruce and Harrison. His life is detailed in...

High School Photo

High School photo of Dr. Cecil B. Ford.

Dr. Ford's Track Bio from High School

A  description of Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford  when he was on his high school track and field team. 

Track Team members

Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford's Track Team Photo from Springfield High School.

Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford, son of George Ford

Picture of 1918 Junior Dental Class at Meharry Medical School. 

Florence Harrison Ford, wife of Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford

Photo of Florence Ford, married to Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford. The couple had four children,  Elise, Florence, Bruce and Harrison. Florence Ford was a well-known seamtress in Peoria, Illinois....

Junior Dental Class 1918

Photo of Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford from the Meharry Medical School Dental Class 1918. Early on, Meharry functioned as the Medical Department of Central Tennessee College in Nashville for people of...

Dentist Office of Dr. Ford

Dr. Ford at his dentist office in Peoria, Illinois.  Dr. Ford was the first African American dentist in the city.

Registration Card

Registration Card of Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford.

Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford in Medical Corps

Young photo of Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford when he served in World War I as a Private Medical DET in the 370th Infantry, 93rd Division. 

Florence, with daughter and granddaughters

Photo of Carol Allen Adams, holding daughter Tanya, with Elise Ford Allen and her mother Florence.

Florence and grandchildren

Photo of Florence Ford with grandchildren; James Jr., Carol, and Gregory.

Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford funeral announcement (short)

Obituary of Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford.

Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford funeral announcement

Obituary of Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford.

A Cable from Husband

Florence Ford received a cable from her husband, Bruce.

Man of Honor

Sagamon Honor Book and Record page 1091, Dr. Cecil Bruce Ford.

Honor Book Medical DET

From the Sangamon County Honor Book Records depicting the service in the Medical Corps, World War I.

A Young C. Bruce and Harrison

Photo of a young C. Bruce and Harrison at their home on Gale Avenue in Peoria, Illinois.

American Legion Post
American Legion Post