"I am an invisible man. No, I am not a spook like those who haunted Edgar Allan Poe; nor am I one of your Hollywood-movie ectoplasms. I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone, fiber and liquids--and I might even be said to possess a mind. I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me."

 - Ralph Ellison's "Invisible Man"


American Legion Post
 Mount Vernon Slave Cemetery Ceremony

Photo of Rohulamin Quander and Linda Allen Hollis, October 2022. The two share family history through the marriage of Hannah Ford, granddaughter of West Ford.  Hannah married...

Where is West Ford's Body?

Descendants and Sisters, Linda Allen Hollis, Angela Allen Henry, and Joy Allen Stone, stand by the old tomb of George Washington.  In Ford oral history, West Ford's remains were...

Library of Congress Maj. Ford and  President Theodore Roosevelt

Listing of letters written to and from Major George Ford and Theodore Roosevelt from the Library of Congress Manuscript Division for the personal papers of President Theodore Roosevelt.. You...

Camp Butler from Afar

This is a view of Camp Butler with admin building and grounds with vistors.   

American Legion Post
Elise  at Award Ceremony

Photo of Elise at Roosevelt Magnate School where the Elise F. Allen Award is presented for students who exhibit high academics, leadership, community service and high academics. Photo by Elijah...

Cousins at Mount Vernon

Wayne Ford, son of Harrison and Joyce Ford and  Candy Lynn Ford Webb, daughter of Bruce and Delores Ford. The cousins visited Mount Vernon in 2018.

Letter Maj. George Ford from Theodore Roosevelt

From the Library of Congress Manuscript Division.  A letter written to Major George Ford from Theodore Roosevelt. Addenda V24-P176

Maj. Geo. W. Ford, Fort Scott, Kansas...

Traveler Weekly Newspaper, 1968

Old newspaper front page of The Traveler Weekly, 1968.  The paper was established in the fall of 1966 as a single 8 1/2 x 11 sheet with local news items and Elise's editorials...

Elise with Girl Scout Organization

Elise became the first black Girl Scout board member, Peoria Girl Scouts (1968-1973); 

Library of Congress Maj. Ford and Theodore Roosevelt

Letter to Major George Ford from Theodore Roosevelt, dated July 9, 1900.  This is from the Library of Congress from archives Addena #V24-P424.

Elise Allen for Mayor

In another first, Elise Ford Allen became the first Afircan American female to run for mayor of Peoria, Illinois in 1973.  She ran with the intention of bringing to light the plights...

Library of Congress June 30, 1900, page 1

Letter to Theodore Roosevelt from Major George Ford from the Library of Congress Manuscript Division of Theodore Roosevelt Collection Reel 6, page 1.

Elise F. Allen with Dr. Romeo B. Garrett
Jacqueline at Mount Vernon

This is a photo of Jacquelyn Allen-Whitehead, whose mother is Theresa Branch and her father is Lonnie Allen. She is the granddaughter of Leyland Branch, son of Henrietta Quander who was the...

Library of Congress June 30, 1900 page 2

Letter to Theodore Roosevelt from Maj. George Ford June 30, 1900.  Library of Congress Manuscript Division for papers of Theodore Roosevelt reel 6.


Camp Butler 2018

Siblings visiting graves of James O. Allen (husband of Elise Ford Allen), Major George Ford, (grandson of West Ford, and grandfather of Elise Ford Allen). Left to right: Joy Allen Stone,...

Decorative Stones

Decorative Stones marking a lone, unnamed grave on the path the the Mount Vernon Slave Cemetery 2022 (Photo Credit: Jacquelyn Allen-Whitehead).

Elise Allen Award

Plaque detailing Elise F. Allen receiving the African American Hall of Fame award in Journalism, 1991.
