"I am an invisible man. No, I am not a spook like those who haunted Edgar Allan Poe; nor am I one of your Hollywood-movie ectoplasms. I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone, fiber and liquids--and I might even be said to possess a mind. I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me."
- Ralph Ellison's "Invisible Man"
Below is the Last Will and Testament of Hannah Bushrod, wife of John Augustine Washington, brother of George Washington (from private papers of LABH). Hannah lived on the Bushfield...
by Linda Allen B. Hollis ...
by Linda A. B. Hollis ...
by Linda Allen B. Hollis Author's Note:
by Linda Allen B. Hollis West Ford was born in 1784 or 1785 on the Bushfield Plantation in Westmoreland County, Virginia, to Venus, a mulatto slave woman owned...
By Angela Allen Henry Genealogy: Is defined as a record or table of ancestry. 2. Direct descent from an ancestor. 3. The study of ancestry. [Lat. genealogical] ...
To: Edward Pompeian For The History Network ...
First, I would like to give honor to God – who makes all things possible. My name is Linda Allen Hollis, and I am a direct...
ELISE FORD ALLEN , written by Linda Allen Hollis for Westfordlegacy.com Elise Ford Allen was born in Peoria, Illinois on July 29, 1921 and died on...
MAJOR GEORGE WILLIAM FORD, written by Linda Allen Hollis for Westfordlegacy.com Ford, Major George William, (23 Nov. 1847 – 20 June 1939), U.S. military officer was born in...
WEST FORD, written by Linda Allen Hollis for Westfordlegacy.com Ford, West, (1784–20 July 1863), caretaker of the historic Mount Vernon home of President George...
Powerful storytelling with unforgettable characters...
Amazing what this family has endured and yet has found the strength to tell in this compelling story...I found the part about the Buffalo soldiers to be especially interesting. Also a touching...
I thought I knew my American history, but I was astounded by what I learned from this book. The author has done some fascinating work researching her family's journey from the Bushfield...
It's good to know that the ol' general was human after all. Hey, maybe the government will put George Washington's son on the other side of the dollar! (well, it was a thought!)...
Though touted as a "novel," the back matter of this book demonstrates that this author did some serious research in putting together "I Cannot Tell a Lie." This extensive...
Linda Allen Bryant's book 'I Cannot Tell a Lie' was beautifully written and heartwarming. The characters were alive and appealing. Her statement, 'We hope that revealing the...
I can't wait until the movie comes out!
It's about time someone came forward and finally told the truth.